1 |
Bachelor of International Relations and Development | BIRD | 2050-01-01 |
2 |
Bachelor of Public Administration | BPA | 2050-01-01 |
3 |
Bachelor of Social Work | BSW | 2050-01-01 |
4 |
Diploma in International Relations | DIR | 2050-01-01 |
5 |
Diploma in Public Administration | DPA | 2050-01-01 |
6 |
Bachelor of Arts in Economics | BAEC | 2050-01-01 |
7 |
Bachelor of Commerce with Education | BBS ED | 2050-01-01 |
8 |
Bachelor of Agricultural Education | BAE | 2050-01-01 |
9 |
Bachelor of Development Studies | BDS | 2050-01-01 |
10 |
Diploma in Child and Youth Development | DCYD | 2050-01-01 |
11 |
Master of Arts in Transformative Community Development | MTCD | 2050-01-01 |
12 |
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with Education | BAG ED | 2050-01-01 |
13 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education | BA ED | 2050-01-01 |
14 |
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Education | BScM ED | 2050-01-01 |
15 |
Bachelor of Information Communications Technology with Education | BICT ED | 2050-01-01 |
16 |
Bachelor of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship with Education | BBAE ED | 2050-01-01 |
17 |
Postgraduate Diploma in Education | PG Dip Ed | 2050-01-01 |
18 |
Bachelor of Mathematics and Information Communication Technology with Education | BMICT ED | 2050-01-01 |
19 |
Bachelor of Science in Demography | BSc DM | 2050-01-01 |
20 |
Master of Arts in Educational Administration and Leadership | MEdMgt | 2050-01-01 |
21 |
Master of Education in Curriculum Studies | MEdCs | 2050-01-01 |
22 |
Master of Education in Educational Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation | MEdME | 2050-01-01 |
23 |
Master of Education in Gender and Education | MEdGE | 2050-01-01 |
24 |
Master of Arts in Linguistic Science | MALinSc | 2050-01-01 |
25 |
Master of Local Government Administration | MLGA | 2050-01-01 |
26 |
Master of Public Administration | MPA | 2050-01-01 |
27 |
Master of International Relations and Development | MIRD | 2050-01-01 |
28 |
Master of Social Work | MSW | 2050-01-01 |
29 |
Master of Arts in Religious Studies | MARS | 2050-01-01 |
30 |
Master of Art in English Literature | MAEL | 2050-01-01 |
31 |
Master of Education in Sociology of Education | MEdSoc | 2050-01-01 |
32 |
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences with Education | BScBEd | 2050-01-01 |
33 |
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with Education | BScCEd | 2050-01-01 |
34 |
Bachelor of Science in Physics with Education | BScPEd | 2050-01-01 |
35 |
Master of Art in Religious Studies | MARS | 2050-01-01 |
36 |
Master of Education in Educational Policy and Planning | MEdPol | 2050-01-01 |
37 |
Master of Art in Civic Education and Transformative Leadership | MACETL | 2050-01-01 |
38 |
Master of Art in History | MAHis | 2050-01-01 |
39 |
Bachelor of Psychology | BPSY | 2050-01-01 |
40 |
Bachelor of Science in Economics and Statistics | BScEcSt | 2050-01-01 |
41 |
Bachelor of Primary Education | BPED | 2050-01-01 |
42 |
Master of Arts in Economics | MAEC | 2050-01-01 |
43 |
Bachelor of Arts in Development Planning and Management | BDPM | 2050-01-01 |
44 |
Master of Science in Agriculture with Education | MScAg ED | 2050-01-01 |
45 |
Bachelor of Arts in Local Government Finance | BLGF | 2050-01-01 |
46 |
Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Finance | BAECFN | 2050-01-01 |
47 |
Diploma in Social Work (MCDSS/MU) | Dip. SW | 2050-01-04 |
48 |
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with Education Fasttrack | BAG EDFT | 2040-12-31 |
49 |
PhD in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies | PhD EL | 2050-10-18 |
50 |
Bachelor of Education in Primary Education | BEPE | 2040-12-31 |
51 |
Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching Methodology | PgDTM | 2050-01-07 |
52 |
Bachelor of Arts in Community and Rural Development | BACRD | 2050-06-17 |
53 |
Master of Arts in Development Studies | MDS | 2050-12-30 |
54 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education (English and History) | BAEEH | 2050-12-12 |
55 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education ( English and Civic Education) | BAECVE | 2050-12-12 |
56 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education (History and Religious Studies) | BAEHRS | 2050-12-12 |
57 |
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Education | BScME | 2050-12-12 |
58 |
Bachelor of ICT with Education | BICT ED | 2050-12-12 |
59 |
Bachelor of Mathematics and ICT with Education | BMICT ED | 2050-02-11 |
60 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education (Religious Studies and Civic Education) | BAE RSCV | 2050-12-12 |
61 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education(History with Civic Education) | BAE HCE | 2050-02-20 |
62 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education (History and Geography) | BAE HG | 2050-12-12 |
63 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education (Geography and Civic Education) | BAE GCE | 2050-12-12 |
64 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education ( History and Physical Education and Sport) | BAE HPES | 2050-12-12 |
65 |
Bachelor of Science with Education ( Geography and Physical Education and Sport) | BScE GPES | 2050-02-01 |
66 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education ( Physical Education and Sport) and Civic Education | BAE PES CV | 2050-12-12 |
67 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education (English and ICT) | BAE EICT | 2050-12-12 |
68 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education ( Geography and English) | BAE GE | 2050-12-12 |
69 |
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology | BAS | 2050-10-29 |
70 |
Bachelor of International Relations and Development (Chinese) | BIRD - C | 2035-10-02 |
71 |
Bachelor of International Relations and Development (French) | BIRD-F | 2050-01-01 |
72 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education (French and Zambian Languages) | BAE FZL | 2050-05-20 |
73 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education (English and Zambian Languages) | BAE EZL | 2050-02-20 |
74 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education (Civic Education and French) | BAE CFR | 2050-02-20 |
75 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education (English and French) | BAE EFR | 2050-02-20 |
76 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education (English and Chinese) | BAE ENC | 2050-02-20 |
77 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education (Religious Studies and Mathematics) | BAE RSM | 2050-02-20 |
78 |
Master of Arts in Social Change and Sustainable Development | MSCSD | 2050-08-01 |
79 |
Bachelor of Community and Rural Development | BCRD | 2050-12-30 |
80 |
Master of Arts in Economics and Finance | MAEF | 2050-12-30 |
81 |
Bachelor of Arts in Demography and Economics | BADE | 2050-12-30 |
82 |
Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Methodology | PCTM | 2050-12-31 |
83 |
Bachelor of Arts with Education (Geography and Mathematics) | BAED (Geog Math | 2030-12-31 |